Terapia compresiva en edemas de origen nefrológico
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edema; compression therapy; chronic kidney disease

How to Cite

Reguera Álvarez P. Terapia compresiva en edemas de origen nefrológico. Rev. enferm. vasc. [Internet]. 2023Jul.15 [cited 2024May17];5(8):39-2. Available from: https://www.revistaevascular.es/index.php/revistaenfermeriavascular/article/view/131


A 79-year-old male patient with chronic kidney disease who presented pitting edema and suppurative blisters in the lower limbs. Outpatient treatment was performed in a local office using a conservative approach, dry dressings, and compression therapy with a low-elasticity double-layer bandage, resulting in closure of the skin lesions and im-provement of edema without the need to adjust the drug treatment.

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